Fountain of Tears

See the movie about what the Fountain of Tears is
Fountain of Tears by Rick Wienecke

The Artist

Rick Wienecke – sculptor | Fountain of Tears


Arad, Israel

The original Fountain of Tears is located in Arad, Israel.

Directions are found on the PDF attachment

Birkenau, Poland

The second Fountain of Tears is located just outside the Gates to Auschwitz Birkenau.


The Fountain of Tears, Arad is housed in what could be perceived to be a large tent; in Birkenau the Fountain is in a building with the interior designed to facilitate the sculptures and their communication.

The Fountain of Tears in Arad has six olive trees that are a part of the display. The trees represent the promise of God to bring life to the number six million; to take this number of death and turn it into a number representing life, but specifically back in the land of Israel. In Birkenau there are no olive trees.

The Fountain of Tears in Arad, the stones of the crucifixion panels are the color of Jerusalem stone. (an off white with light yellowy gold). This is representing the color of the land of Israel. The panels in Birkenau are grey representing the ash from the camp when it was fully operational.

In Arad the six pillars of stone that divide the crucifixion panels are made from the stone in the Judean wilderness. In Birkenau the six pillars are made from stones mostly from the area around the camp, but also stones gathered from the areas close to the other killing camps.

In the building at Birkenau there is a “Hallway of Questions”. This is a hallway that the visitor walks through before coming into the large room that holds the Fountain of Tears. The hallway is dimly lit and it has half-walls that force the visitor to go back and forth as they proceed through. There are eight sculpted panels representing seven questions and one response. The hallway with its turns and darkness and questions tries to represents a deep struggle; Rick’s resistance in entering into a creative process that would be the Fountain of Tears. In Arad there is no “Hallway of Questions”, but is where all the questions began.

Contact & Donations

Financial Details

The Foundation is registered with the Dutch Tax Authorities and has been accepted to be a Dutch ‘ANBI’ which means that all gifts, donations, legacies and inheritances will not be charged through taxes.

Bank account: IBAN NL09ABNA0534228771

Stichting Fountain of Tears Foundation
Oostendorperweg 3
8097 PP Oosterwolde Gld
The Netherlands

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